“ I just want to get my head down”

Did you ever hear the phrase ‘ I just want to get my head down’ – and unspoken ‘ I’ll do this task, get home and get on with my life’ . This is big red flag pointing towards unused potential, with people – your people, experiencing work as a series of seemingly meaningless tasks, which they perform without experiencing a positive challenge. Basically, they hang up their coat, and their brains next to it.

In LEAN methodology, we are looking to reduce, or eliminate even, a thing called waste. This is basically everything a customer is not willing to pay for, or wait for.

Most types of waste are connected to production processes, but the 8th type, not fully utilizing the skills of people at hand, rears it head in all types of work. This results in lack of motivation, low productivity, high turnover and hiring more people instead of using the talent you already have.

Now, that is a waste if there ever was one!  Want to know more, and how I can help?

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